
List of pos machines with no Daily and Weekly Target

List of pos machines with no Daily and Weekly Target

As we all know POS agents are very much concerned with the type of terminal they use for their business. Especially in the area of meeting targets, they prefer to opt for POS with no target. Agents tend to run away for pos that require them to meet a certain target. Below are the lists of the pos machines that don’t require an agent to meet daily weekly or monthly targets.

Pos machine with no target requirements

  • Kudi pos machine: if you are looking for a pos that has no target, then Kudi or Nomba terminal is the right one for you. Though the charges might not be as attractive as their other competitors. But the fact that it has no target is what has given them a little edge over others
  • Baxi pos : all that is required of a Baxi agent is just to use the pos regularly. Baxi pos comes with no target and their charges is quite reasonable. You also get a commission for other services like bill payment
  • Paycentre: this is another pos terminal you can go to if you are looking for a terminal without target and also low charges.

All the terminals listed above are good in terms of network and customer support. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own downtime and disadvantages too

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