
Mikro pos charges and commission

Mikro pos charges and commission

Mikro is One of the few popular but good pos in terms of service, out of 5 pos agents in a location you might only find one person using Mikro pos. They have been in the agency banking business for quite a long time and have been serving their agent with quality service and good support

Getting their pos can be a little bit difficult, unlike Baxi, Moniepoint, Kudi, and Opay that has aggregators and agents everywhere. To get Mikro, you either go to their office or download the app from the Google Play store, and fill in the form with your correct details while you wait for an agent to get in contact with you.

How much does Mikro cost?

Mikro doesn’t sell it pos, they lease it out to their agent and it goes for 30k, also note that Mikro is a target base, which means that you have to meet the daily or monthly target. Failure to do so will lead to the retrieval of the pos.

Mikro charges and commission

For withdrawal, they charge 0.55% for 1-29,999 and 150 flat from 30k upward. While transfer from your wallet to another bank is capped at 20 naira

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