
How to resolve uncredited bank transfer.

How to resolve uncredited bank transfers.

As a mobile banking agent, there are times when you make a fund transfer and it will be successful from your end but won’t be credited into the beneficiary account or won’t add up to the receiver's account balance.

In most cases, this problem is caused by the server of the receiver’s bank. To resolve this issue all the agent needs to do is to get the session ID of the transaction after 24 hours of initiating the transaction, which is always 30 digits in number. After extracting the session ID send it to the receiver’s bank or give it to the customer to take to his or her banks

With this, customer service will be able to trace the transaction and credit the beneficiary. But In case whereby the bank is unable to trace the transaction. The sender will have to communicate with his or her bank and will be lodged as a failed transaction which will be reversed within 24 hours.

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